Kenes Professional Tours Israel
Corporate Tour to the Start-Up Nation
Academic Study Tour to the Start-up Nation
Protected Cultivation Study Tour
Water Technologies Tours

Water Technologies Tours

The scarcity of water in Israel has contributed to the development of advanced solutions in the field of water technology. With over 600 companies, including approximately 100 start-up companies, offering a variety of water technology services and solutions, Israel is considered a key force in the global water industry.

The progressive technologies and comprehensive expertise of the Israeli water resource management sector are utilized in the fields of irrigation, waste-water treatment, water purification, reclaimed water use, water security and more. Via our professional tours platform, we offer an inside look into the enterprising Israeli water sector. In accordance with our clients' specifications we will plan a tour providing pertinent information and provide a first-hand experience of this important cutting-edge industry.

Get familiarized with our Water technology tours Israel - follow us on Youtube channel



6, Ha'Yotzrim St., 3rd floor, Or Yehuda 6021820, Israel

Tel: +972 747 457 402

